Well, first of all, because i had so much time to get unpacked, organized and settled here in Dallas...and unwind from the craziness of planning a wedding! It was such a blessing to have that time. Also, because it took so long to get our marriage license, I interviewed for this job about one day before finishing everything related to the logistics of getting married and moving. Not sure how I would have gotten that stuff done if I was working sooner. And as a bonus, we just got back from a trip to Missouri that I would have had to take off for (or maybe not have been able to go at all) if I had started working just one week earlier.
I spent 3 solid months job hunting and this is the only job i interviewed for, and pretty much the only company I even heard back from. Within a period of about a week and a half, I turned in my resume, interviewed twice and was offered the position. It is very close to home, close to David's work this summer (which has made carpooling possible), a great salary, they offer health insurance for me, and the people all seem awesome.
As perfect as it seemed...I still struggled a lot when it came down to deciding if I wanted to take this job and give up looking for something in the social service field (for now at least). It took some thought and prayer - although I didn't have a ton of time to process since everything came to fruition so quickly! Obviously i knew I couldn't turn down the only job offer I had received, especially in this economy and considering the salary & benefits, but I needed to feel good about my decision. After some prayer and wise counsel, I felt confident with the choice and excited to have a job! Right now, my priorities are:
1. Getting stable financially
2. Supporting my husband while he is pursuing his career
3. Enjoying being a wife =)
4. Trusting God with my/our future
After a week, I still feel good about my decision =) It was a stressful first week, as it tends to be when learning a new job and making tons of mistakes, but better than expected. I felt like I fit in well with my fellow employees almost immediately and I really like the mission of the company, to not only provide honest, wise counsel regarding financial investments, but to share the gospel with their clients and potential clients. I'm looking forward to feeling a little more comfortable with the job responsibilities over the next few weeks, getting into a more normal daily routine and already my first company party on the 4th of July!
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In other news...
We got our Texas plates!
We've been hanging pictures....
We got our antenna hooked up =)
Thornhill Reunion!!!
We drove up to Missouri this past weekend and had a great time with family. We spent Friday night in a trailer with David's aunt and uncle, eating barbecued salmon and playing imagineif till midnight. They were so gracious to give us the bedroom in their huge camper! Saturday all the Thornnhills came to the lake and we took turns going out on the boat and getting pulled by a three person innertube. Good fun =)
Saturday and Sunday night we stayed at their house, and spent the day on Sunday playing games (the Thornhill Olympics). It included a Thornhill family scavenger hunt (which team Brett, David & Lindsay won!), softball, basketball, water balloon throwing, board games, the Wii!, and a film festival. We got lunch with David's aunt and uncle on Monday before heading out of town and I entertained David on our 8 hour drive home (even though it took only 6 1/2 to get there..) with singing the entire soundtrack of Wicked & car games. Sunflower seeds also were a big help in keeping us awake - thanks for the advice Kathi and Charlie! It was so fun meeting David's family who I've heard so much about, and it wasn't too overwhelming =) I love them all, and how much they love each other and strive to stay connected (David's dad has 5 siblings).

We are doing well, loving marriage, and resting in the provisions of our Lord, as well as in the coolness of our apartment (yay for a working air conditioner!) in the heat of this Texas summer. Thanks for your continued love, support and prayers. We appreciate you!