New apartment! We moved on February 26, just in time for our 2 year anniversary - I guess we are now past the point of calling ourselves 'newlyweds,' even though it still feels like it in some ways =)

With the help of donuts, pizza & some great friends (despite the broken elevator), we successfully made the transfer from our 1 bedroom, 648 sq ft apartment in The Village on the second floor, to our 2 bedroom apartment in The Ansley on the 3rd floor. Most everything was still in boxes by dinner-time, so some friends made & brought us dinner, ate with us & helped us start unpacking - what a blessing! Bekah & I made some great progress on shelf liner, while Roy & David got the entertainment center set-up (which I am told is the most essential step in unpacking).

Add a little paint, some furniture, a few pictures, some details and it starts to feel like home =) I'm not sure I will ever have all of the wall space filled, so if you see a good sale let me know! We are very happy in our new place. We have a little room to stretch out - David has his work space (an office finally!) and I have a big kitchen (with a window), living room to entertain in & a fireplace with a mantle =) Yes, they do exist in Texas. And yes, ours does turn on with the flip of a switch.

It looks lovely! = )